Sunday, May 19, 2013


We would love to know who is reading our blog.  We welcome everyone to use the "comment" feature at the end of each post.

This week, we got word that our dossier paperwork is moving slowly.  The translation of our paperwork is not even complete.  And as a result, its not been submitted to the Lat^ian Ministry.

We know of many other families that are in the same boat that we are.  We are part of a closed Facebook network of "Lat Fams" who are either in the process or have completed the adoption process from Lat^via.

After the winter hosting, there was a flood of dossiers submitted to the Ministry at about the same time.  Unfortunately for the younger kids waiting for adoption, the focus is put on the older kids that are close to "aging-out" of the system.

So, we wait and we wait for word from Lat^via.  We'll have more yard sales and sell more Warrior Necklaces (please email us your order).  Here we are in Late May, and I don't see us travelling in June or July.  Perhaps August or September.  This just makes the day that we see our Warrior that much more exciting!

1 comment:

  1. It is being read by a fan of yours in Central IL!!! I love reading and following! On the bright side travel should be cheaper in August and September from what I have seen!
