Saturday, April 20, 2013

Adoption IS Hard!

I am writing this post perhaps to encourage you and also to let others on the outside looking in know some of the hard times we face during our adoption journey.  This is just a glimpse into our personal journey in bringing home Warrior forever.

Now I know what some of you might be thinking: How in the world would I know adoption is hard when I haven't officially adopted yet?? There are a few things I do know so far through our short journey.  In December and early January, Matt and I were able to get a little sneak peak into what it will be like when we get our Warrior home forever.  Let me just be honest, it wasn't always pleasant.  It was downright hard and frustrating at times. I can only speak for myself, but I know I questioned what we had gotten ourselves into.  Matt and I did not go into this hosting experience expecting to adopt, but God had other plans.

There are many (and I was one of them) who paint a beautiful picture of adoption.  You imagine rescuing this  poor orphan child from his/her harsh circumstances, give them a loving home and the rest is history. I think a lot of us forget there is another side to this story:  the orphan's side.  Our Warrior will be leaving behind ALL he has ever known.  The orphanage and his caretakers ARE his family.  He is also living in another country with another culture than the one we will be bringing him into.  This part of the adoption process is hard on the child and the family who is adopting.  Pray for the adopted child(ren).

For most people who are adopting, one of the most stressful times is in the beginning with all of the paperwork.  Matt and I signed our names on so many pieces of paper and had fingerprints done 3 different times.  After the home study, paperwork and fingerprints, the fundraising phase begins.  Some of you may feel as I once did: "If you don't have the money, then why are you adopting?"  I realize now that God calls us to go out on faith and trust Him to be faithful to have the funds available at just the right time.  It is hard to have faith when you are staring at such a large number needed.  Who has $30,000 lying around?  Most people don't, which is where the faith comes in. Matt and I have already been amazed at God's faithfulness.  Yes, the $$'s are coming in slowly, but God can multiply them.  Our God is faithful!!!  We are so grateful for all of the donations, Warrior necklace purchases, yard sale donations for our adoption yard sale in May, prayers and support!  Pray for God to bless the people who give either through prayer, support or financially.  Pray also for all of those who are in the fundraising process.

Many people ask us where we are in the adoption process.  Right now, we are in the waiting stage.  The stage which for some can feel like an eternity.  We find ourselves daily checking our e-mail and running to the mailbox in hopes something relating to our child is in our inbox or mailbox, perhaps the approval of our I-800A form or better yet a referral.  It is hard when all you find is another bill or just a magazine.   For some this stage can last a few months, but for others it can be years. I keep reminding myself it is all in God's timing, not mine. Remember to pray for those who are in this holding tank.  This can be such a difficult time to wait patiently to bring your child home forever.  You want so much to rush this period, but you have to step back and remember who has got this covered:  God!

Throughout this adoption journey, there will be people who will not support you or who will be very negative toward your adoption because of their own bad experience.  I have found myself getting so upset at times from the words of others.  Sadly, there are people who are close to me who just don't get it.  They just don't understand what we are doing and why we are doing it.  My question to them is: Why NOT?  I have to remember why Matt and I are doing this.  We are adopting Warrior because God has called our family to do something SO much greater than we could ever imagine...SO much greater than we are capable of on our own!  "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:13 It is through Him I am able to have a heart like His and adopt a child who is unwanted by the world.  He is wanted by me and my family.  I count it an honor and privilege to be his mom.  He was born for me!! Pray for God to soften hearts towards adoption.

Adopting a child is not for the faint of heart.  While Warrior was here with us, I learned how much he longed for love and security.  He wanted so much to belong to a family. There are many things we do not know about our Warrior and many things we may never know.  While we hosted him, we did learn a few things about him.  We learned that his mother "left him somewhere" when he was really young, and his dad is not in the picture.  Another is that he has some medical needs.  Sadly, these are the children who are often passed over for adoption because of their special needs/challenges.  These children did not choose to be in the situations they are in.  When God adopts us (Christians) into His family, he doesn't sit around and say, "Well she has that problem and he isn't very good at that. Maybe I shouldn't allow them into my family".  Do you know what He does instead??  He accepts us right where we are.  He takes our good and our bad and LOVES us unconditionally.  That is what adoption truly is all about:  Loving the child right where they are and promising no matter what you will be there for them and show them God's love.  Just like I mentioned above, God doesn't turn His nose up at us because of who we are or the choices we have made.  HE LOVES US and welcomes us into His family if we choose.  Pray for the orphans and their protection.

Am I scared of the unknown? YES!!!  Do I know what the future holds for him?  No, but I do know our family will not go on this journey alone.  Again, I ask for you to continue to pray for our family and our Warrior.  Please also pray for those who are currently on this adoption journey. Remember this adoption journey doesn't end when the child comes home.  Families who are adopting will continue to need your prayers, support and encouragement long after this process is over.  Please pray for those who have completed the process and are home with their child(ren).

Because even one matters...

1 comment:

  1. What you are doing is a beautiful thing, and reflects the spirit of adoption that you rightly described as God's heart toward His children. Praying for you, and your little warrior.
