Sunday, April 7, 2013

Adoption is NOT for me...

That's what I thought for many years. Once Matt and I started our own family, I think we both realized maybe one day we would adopt. Adoption was something Matt and I seemed to just joke about and toss the idea around as if it may never actually happen. Well, let me tell you adoption is for EVERYONE whether you realize it or not. God makes it very clear in the Bible how He holds the orphans and widows very close to His heart as we should ("A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,is God in his holy dwelling.God sets the lonely in families..."-Psalm 68:5-6). Why did I not know this? To be honest, I did know this, but like many, I chose to gloss over those verses because at the time they really didn't apply to me. God has the amazing ability to see straight through our hearts and convict us of what we are doing wrong. What were we doing wrong? We were ignoring the orphans. It is very easy to ignore the orphans when you have your own family and all your needs are met. You can see them in a picture or on tv and think oh, that's sad and then flip the page or change the channel. But, when you welcome one into your home, you can no longer ignore there is a tremendous need for these children who are without a family. You can no longer pretend those verses don't apply to you. You can no longer believe these orphans don't matter. They matter to Him and they should matter to us!

Now am I saying everyone is called to adopt? NO, absolutely NOT!!!! There are people out there who shouldn't adopt and people out there who are being called to adopt, but aren't obeying God's call for their lives. I can admit that I was one of those until now. I can no longer be silent. I can no longer look at pictures of orphans and see them on tv and not be moved to the core. You might be reading this and thinking how can you help or you might be thinking I am just another crazy nut who jumped on the adoption train. Either way, there is something everyone can do to help. It is unacceptable to God to just sit around and do nothing like I once did. You can help by praying for those who are adopting and pray for the orphans who hope to be in a family one day.

Did you know before you accepted Jesus Christ, you were an orphan? Do you remember how it felt to be without hope and a family (the body of Christ)? I can't imagine living a life without HOPE! Everyday, these orphans face the reality they may never be in a family. Sadly, many of them will age out of the system before ever being adopted and turn to drugs, prostitution or even suicide. Where is their HOPE? Jesus is their hope and as Christians we are supposed to be the hands and feet of Jesus. PRAY for them! Pray for those who are adopting. This adoption journey is not an easy one.

Another way you can help is by donating to a family who is adopting. Not everyone is financially able to give money, but there are some who are and don't. Once again, I admit I was one of those. It just didn't apply to me and my life. How quickly (like many others) I forgot God's word and how I am supposed to take care of the widows and the orphans. I could have given, but I didn't. Are you able to give, but aren't? My dream one day (once we are debt-free) is to be able to fully fund someone's adoption. Unfortunately, many choose not to adopt because they can't afford it. Part of our journey is going out on faith God will provide our funding and last time I checked, God is a faithful God!

Did we choose adoption for our family??? The simple answer is no. I believe God chose adoption for our family and we are being obedient to what God has led us to do. This journey has been hard and at times I have felt like I just can't go any further. But, that is what Satan wants me to believe. He wants us to think we can't do this and we will never have all the money we need. These are lies and we will choose to stand on the truth!

As you go through your week, please take a moment and pray for us and our Warrior. He is only one, but he is one LESS! Thank you for all who have prayed and given so far. May God bless each of your families for your faithfulness to Him.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27


  1. God bless you as you go on this journey -- I'm looking forward to following along! :-)

  2. I think we have a new guest columnist!
