Sunday, February 24, 2013

"Fun" Raising!

So now we're entering the fund-raising phase.  Over the next few months, the majority of funds will come due. While we are prepared to do this ourselves, we don't want to dip so much into savings as to put  ourselves at risk in the event of an emergency.

We are planning how best to go about raising additional funds.  The girls have begun making necklaces.  They are planning to sell them at our home-school coop every week for the rest of the school year.  Soon, I'll be placing pictures of some available necklaces on this blog.  In exchange for a small donation, we will gladly mail you a necklace.

Seth has offered the contents of his piggy bank: $7.23.  Do I hear anyone wanting to match this giftt?!  Also, we're planning a big yard sale when the weather warms up.

Tonight, I added the "donate" button on the right side of the blog.  This is an easy way for us to accept donations directly.  You do not need a 'PayPal' account to donate in this way.  This method is not tax deductible.

For a tax-deductible donation, these can be made directly to An Open Door Adoption Agency in our name.  An Open Door will notify us when donations are received.

We appreciate everyone's support!


  1. I love Seth's heart with his $7.23 donation!

  2. Seth has always had a big heart for giving. He is really excited about his new brother coming home. He asks almost everyday when Warrior is coming. He thought that our social worker was bringing him every time she showed up for our homestudy visits!
