Saturday, February 2, 2013

Why We Are Doing This...

Some people think we're crazy.  They just look at us with a blank stare, and they don't know what to say, so they ask us "how will you handle another one?"  Some say nothing at all.  Some change the subject.  Some that barely know us think that Seth is our adopted child.  They say, "He sure does speak good English". 

It's no secret that we are adopting the child we hosted from Lat^ia.  While he was with us, it was made clear to us in many ways that we were to bring him home forever.  From the total stranger that told us that Jesus has adopted us as his children, to my son's dream where he talked with the orphanage director.  The more time he spent with us, the more we knew that he was our child.  We are commanded by GOD to care for orphans and widows.  We want to do our part in this command.  Every day that goes by, I get confirmation of our decision again and again.  "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." ~ James 1:27

The past few weeks have been both difficult and exciting.  It's been three weeks since we put W on the plane to go back home.  Since then, the kids have continued to talk about him.  Seth talks in Lat^ian gibberish.  They refer to their bath as "vanna".  They include him in our family prayers.  We talk about our not-too-distant trip to go and get him. 

We are in the middle of our homestudy, and we are doing everything on our end as fast as we can.  We are letting the Lord work out the timing and the rest of the details.  It's great to know that we have an advocate, An Open Door, who is working on this adoption on our behalf.  We couldn't imagine going through this adoption process by ourselves. 

We are grateful for those that have offered their support.  If all goes well, we could be back from our first trip with W in our possession as early as May or June.  We look forward to this journey together.  Thank you for reading, please check back often.

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