Saturday, July 6, 2013

Are You TOO Comfortable?

I know I was pretty comfortable with my life and the way things were going.  I have four beautiful children, an amazing husband who does a great job providing for our family, friends I can count on and all my basic needs are met and then some.  I would say I was very comfortable.  God has a way of shaking us out of our comfort zone when we least expect it.  Matt and I were remembering last year how this adoption wasn't even on OUR radar, but it was on God's.  God knew about an orphan over 4,000 miles away from us would be our son before we did.  It amazes me to stop and think how God has been preparing our hearts to open this Warrior into our home.  What would have happened had we not answered the call to host and then to adopt?  What if we had decided to sit back and remain comfortable right where we were?

Are you too comfortable to host a child from another country into your home for 4-6 weeks and show them Christ's love as you have been shown?  Are you too comfortable to give a donation to a family who is hosting and/or adopting because you think what they are doing is weird?  Are you too comfortable to adopt a teenager who is aging out of the system and is covered with scars of rejection and fear?  Are you too comfortable to adopt a child with HIV/AIDS because the world fills you with fear of the unknown?  Are you too comfortable to help because you feel like that is someone else's job to? Are you too comfortable to pray for another family because you are afraid of what God may be asking you to do?

It all comes down to a simple word:  FAITH!!!!  Without faith, there is FEAR.  Fear is a nasty word that can  cause us to choose to stay comfortable and not be uncomfortable.  Hosting and adopting a child is scary and extremely uncomfortable.  It is a world of unknowns, but with FAITH you are NOT alone!  God has already walked this journey and He knows what comes next.  He has been there through every part of this hosting and adoption process.  We have felt His presence and witnessed His amazing love through His people.  There are no words to adequately describe what it feels like to obey His call and walk this uncomfortable journey, but I will tell you it is filled with peace...not a peace of this world, but a peace that passes all understanding.

As we prepare our family to leave our comfortable home to travel to his country, we ask you to pray for us.  This journey will not be an easy one.  Many know I am not a big fan of flying and there are several flights involved to get there.  Though it will be uncomfortable to get over there, I am comforted that I will not be travelling alone.  God will be there with me as He has throughout this journey.  I will leave you with one last thought.  If you are too comfortable in where you are, what is holding you back from taking that leap of faith God is asking you to take?  As Christians, we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  We are to daily take up His cross and follow Him.  Doing this is not comfortable especially in the world we live in, but with FAITH and TRUST we will have peace...His perfect peace!

1 comment:

  1. Covering you in prayer in this exciting season of your lives, be blessed as you venture forth. Where we are out of our comfort zone is where we meet with the living God.
