Monday, July 22, 2013

Trip 1 - Day 7 - Flowers and Church

Today (Sunday), was another washout.  It rained most of the day and it was cold and windy.  Not what I am used to for July.  I didn't even pack any long sleeve shirts or jackets.

On the way back from our walk to get coffee, an older Latvian lady that was walking towards us on the same side of the street stopped us and started talking to us in L@tvian.  I said "English", and she kept talking in L@tvian. She was pointing to the bouquet of flowers that she was holding.  She was wanting me to buy them for Rachel who was in her Sunday dress.  I asked her, "how much?".  She said, "One Lat".  I paid her one Lat and thanked her.  It appeared that she had hand picked them, and was hoping that she could sell them today.  A pretty simple bouquet of impatiens and hosta leaves.

Rachel, Rebekah and I went to Matthews Baptist Church for worship.  This was a traditional service, but not too formal.  It was entirely in L@tvian.  We were mostly able to follow along with the songs since the L@tvian words were on the screen and in the bulletin.  The minister was very young, and appeared to be about 24 or 25 years old if I had to guess.  A preached for almost an hour!  Afterwards, a few people greeted us in L@tvian.

It was another difficult day with Warrior.  He tends to act out more with his fits of aggression and "wild animal" actions when he is with Kristie.  He doesn't do this to me and rarely let's me hold him.  When he acts in this way, we make him apologize and give us a hug.  He knows how to say "I'm sorry", whether he means it or not.  We did find out that we're having our first Social Worker visit on Tuesday at 1 PM.  We're hoping that someone can communicate to him in his language that these behaviors are unacceptable and won't land him a ticket to America.  At night, he lets me put him to bed.  We usually read a book and say our prayers.  He says, "love you, Papa".

Rachel's flowers 

...1 Lat (~$2 USD)

Matthews Baptist Church

The service was entirely in Latvian ~ 2 hours long.  Hopefully they didn't think the American was texting in church.

Matthews Baptist Church

Leaving church.  We got out at 1 PM.   

Check out the detail on this building.  Most of these buildings have the date at the top of the building.  This one says "Anno Domini 1907".

The Moustache Door (thank you Sarah!)

1 comment:

  1. Love that door and Sarah's imagination! Praying for you guys. xoxo
