Friday, July 26, 2013

Trip 1 - Day 12 - The Tall Ships Races 2013 Rig@

Today was a roller coaster of a day.  It started with all five kids awake before Kristie and me banging bowls and silverware around in the kitchen.  Warrior was eating his usual yogurt and hard-boiled eggs.  All the noise woke me up.  After dealing with some behavior issues with our oldest two, we were all ready to go check out the Tall Ships Races 2013 Riga.

"Origin of the Tall Ships Races dates back to 1956, when sailing enthusiasts came to a conclusion that tall ships have irreversibly yielded to the modern ships, and in honor to the tall ships organized a regatta from England to Portugal with the largest remaining tall ships from the whole world.  Since then the regatta has visited many European and world ports and one of its main tasks is to train and educate young people in sailing.  There is a rule that half of each crew must be at the age between 15 and 25 years.  The Tall Ships Races is organized by Sail Training International."  (The Tall Ships Races brochure)

The boats arrived yesterday and will be docked in Rig@ until Sunday evening.  The boats dock here once every 10 years, so we were lucky to be here during this event!

So after walking through the Old City and to the river, we finally came upon the first of about 20 ships.  There were long lines to board each one.  Warrior became upset with us that his mama wouldn't hold his hand for the entire time.  He rarely lets me hold his hand, and he doesn't like it when his mama isn't able to hold his.  He became even more frustrated when the crowds of people got bigger.  Things kept getting worse and worse until he had a complete Warrior meltdown.  We made the decision that I would take him and Sarah back to the apartment while Kristie took the other kiddos.  They got some great photos and got to tour a few of the ships.

Back at the apartment, I was able to talk with my boss on the phone for a while.  It was nice to give him an update here and to hear how things are going back home at work.

After the kids and Kristie returned, I went across the street to our RIMI (small little grocery store with unfriendly check-out people) to buy a few picas (pizzas).  Friday nights are our family's pizza and movie night.  For the past few nights, after dinner, Warrior has wanted Seth to take a bath with him.  These two are like big fish that can get the entire bathroom wet.  After bathtime, Warrior had another one of his Warrior meltdowns.  He got frustrated with us that we couldn't understand a word that he was saying.  He wouldn't show us what he wanted, he just kept saying this word over and over to the point that he had a raging Warrior fit.  So, we brushed his teeth and put him in bed.  Kristie read him a book and he was fine.

7 more days til America...

I did speak with our L@tvian lawyer today.  She told me that she had just spoken with the ladies at the orphan court, and they were excited for our adoption.  She said that they said it appeared that things were going well!

Getting ready to board the "Shabab Oman" 

On board the "Shabab Oman".  It was a beautiful ship and the people on board were very friendly. 
The amazing journey the "Shabab Oman" has been on already.  It began its voyage in April of this year from the Gulf of Oman.

Rachel getting her book stamped with the ship stamp.

The "Alexander Von Humboldt II"--Germany

Filming a movie on the streets of Old Rig@.  I can't say I recognized any one of the actors.


  1. Absolutely love reading your blog and all about your trip. The photos are amazing.

  2. Really enjoying the updates, praying the meltdowns will cool off....

  3. Lisa, so far so good! Meltdown are much less... Not naming names, but it's one of girls that's giving us the most trouble the past couple of days...

  4. Ha! I had to laugh (in sympathy) about the whole hand-holding's the same way for us. Josiah will race to grab my hand and hang on like his life depends on it! :) There is no holding daddy's hand unless we insist. :)

