Monday, July 22, 2013

Trip 1 - Day 8 - Rig@ Canal and Pankukas

Today was a great day.  It was cold and windy and rained off and on.  We spent most of the day walking in the park and Old City.  We took a 45 minute boat ride along the Rig@ Canal.  Warrior and the other kids enjoyed this immensely.  We rode with a couple from Ireland who was touring the Baltic states by train.  We ended up having ice cream at McDonalds and then played on the playground for a very long time.

After coming home for some rest, we headed out again to Old City to have a a pankukas dinner (L@tvian pancakes) with our fellow American adoptive family, the Kramers.  We enjoyed fellowshipping with them.  Their kids are about the same ages as our kids.  We ended up walking back to the apartment in the rain.  Go figure.

Watching the ducks while waiting for our boat ride along the Riga Canal

View from the boat

View from the boat

View from the boat

Our future vet.
"Rebekah, the birds must stay in L@tvia!"

Having a great time in the park!

The Cat House
 The legend known by most Rigans, which is also told to tourists, comes in at least two versions. One version of the legend has it, that the wealthy tradesman who commissioned the building was refused membership in the Riga Tradesman Guild, mostly just called the Great Guild. The central element of both versions is the anecdote, that seeking retribution, the tradesman had two copper statues of angry-looking cats with arched backs and raised tails placed on the turret rooftops with their tails turned towards the house of the Great Guild, situated across the street.
The other and perhaps older version of the cat legend has it, that the wealthy tradesman placed the two statues of angry-looking cats on the building turret rooftops with their tails towards the Riga Town Hall, following a dispute with the Riga City Council, after which he urged the erection of the building  The Riga Town Hall at the time was in the same direction as the Great Guild, but it burned down during World War II, was demolished 1954 and only rebuilt at the very same place in the years 2000—01.  (Wikipedia)

"Glory to GOD Alone" across the doorway in Latin.

Riga Park - view from boatride

Old building on our street.  Notice the Star of David at the top.

Pankukas for dinner!!

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